Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (SBSE) and Solvent Assisted Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (SA-SBSE) are firmly established techniques for extraction of compounds from various matrices, with the latter technique offering significant increased capacity for concentration of hydrophilic/polar compounds. In this application note this difference is explored by applying both SBSE and SA-SBSE to a berry-flavored yogurt followed by GC-MS after liquid desorption of the stir bars. The sequential combination of MassHunter Unknowns Analysis and Aroma Office database search on the resulting data files was used to identify and document the compound profile differences. Four plain (non-flavored) yogurts were extracted by SA-SBSE and both GC-MS and sensory evaluations performed on the back extracts after liquid desorption. Multivariate analysis was then performed on the samples from the list of aroma compounds indicated, profiling them graphically in combination with the sensory characteristics. Finally, both SBSE and SASBSE were performed on one of the plain yogurts to investigate the sensory differences in the back extracts. Results indicated that the increased extractive power of SA-SBSE resulted in an aroma profile closer to that of the original product than that produced by SBSE alone.